Grainy Sight and Clear Sight
Grainy Sight and Clear Sight
In addition to the focusing ability of the eye, a second
factor affects visual acuity in dogs:
the type and arrangement of photoreceptors in the eye produce certain ef- fects similar to those seen in photographic
film. The film in a camera is covered with an emulsion containing certain photosensitive silver-based salts
that react chemically when they are hit
by light. Film that is more sensitive in dim light has larger grains of these salts to increase the
likelihood that any one grain will capture
enough light to produce a chemical reaction. Unfortunately, the
resulting image also looks “grainy”
(much like a poor-quality digital photo in which the pixels or patches of color are larger), which means
some of the smaller details may not be
clear. If the light levels are higher, one can use a less sensitive
film, in which the grains are tiny and
tightly packed, so that even small details can be registered.
The grains in a film emulsion can be compared to the
photoreceptors in the retina. Rods (dim
light receptors) increase their sensitivity by having a large clump of them all connected to the same “ganglion
cell,” which pools their information
before sending it out of the eye. In effect, the rods act like big
grains of photosen- sitive salt, since
any light hitting any one of the rods will trigger that ganglion cell. In contrast, only one or two cones (which
operate only in brighter light) are con-
nected to any single ganglion cell that sends its information to the
brain. So cones operate much like small
grains of photosensitive salt—they perform poorly in dim light, but if the light level is high enough,
they have a fine enough mosaic to dis-
criminate small details well.
Since animals cannot change their photoreceptor makeup the
way a photog- rapher can change the
sensitivity of the film he uses in a camera to fit current light conditions, eyes have evolved to maximize
their efficiency for the animal’s behavior
and survival. In animals whose eyes contain both rods and cones, the
photore- ceptors are distributed
differently in the different regions of the eye. In humans there is a small region, right in the middle
of your line of sight, that is called the “fovea.” It contains only cones, which are
densely packed to provide us with max-
imum detail vision in bright light. As we move away from the center of
the fovea, the number of cones drops
off, which explains why our ability to see details in pe- ripheral vision also declines. When you look
at something, you are actually aiming
your fovea at it, meaning that you are mostly reading this page by
pointing your fovea at successive words
in a sentence. Words that your fovea is not pointing at appear blurred and become even less distinct
the farther away they are from the
center of vision. Try this little experiment: Close one eye and let the
other eye stare directly at the center
of the page. Notice that the page seems fairly clear. Now block your central vision by holding up your finger
in front of your eye. Keep the center of
your eye pointed at your finger but pay attention to the parts of the
page that are not blocked by your
finger. The print on the page to the sides of your finger be- comes blurry and may be unreadable.
For human beings the rods are found in increasing numbers as
you move away from the center of your
field of vision. This means that your greatest light sensi- tivity is outside of the fovea, in the
periphery of the eye. That is why people who
have to observe dim lights at night often find that the light is more
visible if they look off to the side of
the target, since the light then falls on a part of the retina that contains a higher density of rods. In effect,
then, we have two different “films” in
our eyes in different regions—a central area for fine detail
vision in brighter light and a
surrounding area with greater light sensitivity but poor acuity for small
de- tails. The dog’s eye also has separate areas of
sensitivity, but the arrangement is dif-
ferent. The fovea of a dog’s eye is a bit larger and shaped like an oval
lying on its long side. As in humans, it
is also a region of densely packed photoreceptive cells, but it is not made up exclusively of cones,
as in the human eye. It contains many
rods as well, although they are thinner and fewer of them connect to a
single gan- glion cell. All of this
provides better acuity in this part of the eye. From the ends of this oval of densely packed cells, a
horizontal streak, which also contains many
cells tightly crammed together, extends across the eye. The cells
crowded together in the streak give the
dog better visual acuity in that region of the eye as well, and would have helped his hunting ancestors
search the horizon for prey. This same
arrangement is also found in other fast-moving animals that live on the
open plains, such as horses and
antelope, and is considered an adaptation that evolved to help these animals scan for
The swift-running greyhound,
which hunts by sight, has the most pronounced
visual streak. Dog breeds that rely more heavily on their noses than
their eyes when hunting, such as the
beagle, have a less distinct horizontal stripe. Thus our selec- tive breeding for particular behaviors in
dogs has caused significant and unex-
pected changes in the basic physiology and neurology of each breed. Not
only do dogs see the world differently
than humans, but a greyhound sees the world differ- ently than a beagle.
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